About Lori

Infinity Oaks Ranch has been in the making for more than 30 years.  Lori Baber has been breaking, training, riding and showing horses from her home in Southern California her entire adult life.  She has broke colts for some of the top money-earning trainers and ranches in the cutting and barrel horse industry including Tim Smith, Scott Weis and Danyelle Campbell.  Horses she has trained have won millions in lifetime earnings in cutting, reined cow horse, penning, sorting and barrel racing futurities and aged events!

Although born in California, Lori has always been a Texas woman at heart and the pull of horse country became too strong, finally bringing her home.  Lori just moved to a very small, quiet but perfectly situated town in Central Texas and is now offering her talents and products to select clientele.  You will see Lori in action on this website through her training videos as she breaks, conditions and trains a ranch full of horses.

About Infinity Oaks Ranch

Infinity Oaks Ranch, circa 2019, is situated on 24 acres of super sandy, horse-friendly soil in the heart of Texas.  Lori’s new home and training facility are surrounded by innumerable stately oak trees, lending their name to the Infinity Oaks Ranch.

Services available include:

  • Sale fitting
  • Tune ups
  • Colt Breaking
  • Training and Finishing: penning, sorting, barrel, trail
  • Riding lessons:  On Cattle or Dry

Ranch Mascot: Maggie

Magnolia (Maggie) is a micro-mini jenny that just turned 1 in November 2019!  She captured our hearts as a new-born foal and continues to entertain and amuse us with her daily antics.  Maggie loves to play, pushing various balls around her pen and dunking them into her water and feed buckets.  She is EVERYBODY’S friend, welcoming newcomers (both 2 and 4 legged) to the Ranch with her unique bray and warm, engaging personality.  You can find Maggie’s astute guidance to her friends in need at her bi-weekly blog.

Read Maggie's Blog